产品特性:小型 | 加工定制:是 | 品牌:青岛天田盛 |
铸造类型:湿砂型铸造 | 订货号:59 | 货号:35 |
类别:铸造松沙 | 型号:386 | 别名:带式松沙机 |
用途:松沙 | 结晶轮直径:68mm | 铸坯断面:50mm2 |
铸造速度:665m/s | 年产量:650万t | 电动机功率:5.5kw |
规格:386 | 是否跨境货源:是 | 主要下游平台:亚马逊、 速卖通、 独立站 |
主要销售地区:东南亚、 东北亚、 中东、 非洲 | 有可授权的自有品牌:是 |
利用其高速回转下的梳状钢片抛射铸砂,同时分解烧结砂块,去除夹杂物、如使新铸更具有良好的通气性;它既可强化松砂效果,又可***连续均匀加砂,从而提高生产效率;该机设计新颖,结构紧凑,体积小,重量轻,使用方便、等特点;非常适合 中、小型铸造车间砂处理之用。
使用本设备 能提高您的产品质量、降低废品率,起到快速松(筛)砂、自动吸取碎铁再利用等优点,同时可减轻工人劳动强度、改善劳动条件,提高生产效率。
By using the comb its high-speed rotating mass ejection of the steel casting sand, decomposition of sintering sand block at the same time, the removal of inclusions, such as new casting has good air permeability; It can not only strengthen the result of loose sand, guaranteeing continuous uniform sand, thus improve the production efficiency; The machine design, compact structure, small volume, light weight, easy to use, and other characteristics; Very suitable for medium and small foundry sand processing.
Loose sand machine features:
1, continuous sand sand, decomposition of sintering.
2, remove inclusions, strengthen the result of loose sand.
3, absorb the scrap and recycling.
4, improve product quality, reduce scrap rate.
5, design novel, mobile convenience, safe use.
The benefits of using fluffer:
Use this equipment can improve the quality of your products, to reduce the rejection rate, fast (screen) play sand, automatic drain scrap recycling, etc, can reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve working conditions at the same time, improve production efficiency.